Monday, August 4, 2008

My little transformers

At first it was just teletubbies, arthur, sagwa, barney and dragon tales stage, next he was crazy about thomas for quite awhile. He got everything from thomas books to thomas shirts and back pack. He was not hooked only on thomas the tank engine or Lionel stuff, but also from CSX to all those freights and passenger trains like Amtrak, Santa Fe, Burlington, Oriental Express etc. He even knows what types runs on what scales! We even have to go to this ABC train shop around town where elderly guys are into such collectibles and does it as their hobbies. One particular guy even have a huge garage in his backyard where he got all kinds of model trains that runs live and we went to one of those, and it is pretty amazing how much efforts they put into making it looks real. My son was ecstatic! After almost a year of being crazy about trains, and we having to spend so much $$, he slowly diverted his attention to Power Rangers and now, Transformers.

It all began the day we were in Wal Mart store where he usually browse around at the toys area. Power Ranger was always side by side Transformers, Spiderman and Batman. He was saying that this transformers does this and that and can be transformed into a robot or a car. I said to myself, oh .. oh ..! I told him our house is so full of toys and we are not going to buy anymore toys. He would say, 'but mommy.............., I would say, No... again and again. He said he no longer is interested in Thomas because Thomas were for babies and he is a big guy now and he wants 'big guys' toys! He was even wanting me to put his Thomas stuff up for yard sale and wanting me to keep his other expensive train stuff as collectors items. To show that he is 'over' Thomas, he would not even want to wear his so many Thomas shirts, shoes or back pack anymore! To cut the story short, he is 'big time' into Transformers and are able to differentiate the difference between the bad guys and the good guys. The bad guys are 'Megatron' and they are the Decepticons, the good guys are 'Optimus Prime' and they are the Autobots. When the new Transformers movie came out, we purchased a dvd at his insistent, and he enjoys watching it so much and thought that is the best ever, and watches it over and over again, where he can even talks like the characters in the movie. I've also watched the movie a couple of times with my son, and I got hooked too! It's a pretty great movie and action packed. Since it is PG13, I have to explained to my son that the movie is not for real, it's sc-fi and also explained to him the action violence involved. My son thinks Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) is so great and when Sam Camaro converts to a new chevy Camaro, he thinks that is just so cool.

Note. I am having problems putting the videos directly in this post, but have temporarily put them above my blog front page. Sorry!
There are 7 other videos under 'Transformers Ramzi', just click the arrow up on the youtube screen on right side or another arrow on left screen to go back. There are other functions on the youtube video screen.