Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Health - Knowing your family history

A family history of high blood pressure is a risk factor for me developing high blood pressure. I have more close family members with hight blood pressure before the age of 60, giving me twice the risk of having it also. A family history of high blood pressure has been linked to other risk factors for heart disease and stroke. These factors include high cholesterol, high body fat, and being more sensitive to the effects of SALT on raising blood pressure.
I keep reminding myself what's my risk of a heart attack??? Over the weekend, we were doing our weekly grocery shopping at Wal-Mart and I did my blood pressure test at their machine there and I was shocked to see how high my blood pressure was, and right after that, I was determined to get it corrected and since that day onwards, I have been eating mostly healthy food and trying really hard to reduce my sodium intake. It's scary to see the high reading and I thought to myself, I have to do something about it otherwise I will not see tomorrow!!! On top of trying to eat healthy, I've been moderately exercising and also borrowing books from the library on the kind of food that I should eat. Here are some pointers that I would like to share with my blogger friends.

Blood Pressure Pointers

Blood pressure is measured with two numbers: systolic and diastolic. The systolic (top) number is pressure in the blood vessels during a heart contraction. The diastolic (bottom) number represents the level of pressure between contractions. If either number is too high, that means that the heart is working harder than normal to pump blood through the body, and that the vessels are under excessive pressure. See the chart below for optimal blood pressure numbers.
Blood Pressure Optimal Normal High High Blood
Systolic less than less than 130-139 140 or higher
(top number) 120 130
Diastolic less than less than 85-89 90 or higher
(bottom number) 80 85
Eat more vegetables and fruits.
Eat less fat, cholesterol, and sodium
Eat more heart-smart nutrients that reduce your risk of heart disease.
Because they contain high amounts of heart-healthy nutrients, these vegetables are some of your smartest choices:
Brussels sprouts
Sweet Potatoes
To reduce your chances of developing heart disease, eat less fat, cholesterol and sodium. Fat and cholesterol clog your blood vessels, sodium can raise blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
50% Carbohydrate
20% Protein
Less than 10% saturated
Less than 10% Polyunsaturated
10% - 15% Monounsaturated
Cholesterol Level (mg/dl) Desirable Borderline-High High-Risk
Total Cholesterol less than 200 200-239 240 or higher
LDL less than 130 130-159 160 or higher
HDL 35 or higher less than 35 less than 35
Heart-Smart Function Food Sources Recipe
Vitamin C is an antioxidant Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Sweet&sour swordfish
It blocks oxidation, the chemical cabbage, cauliflower, citrus Hearty Barley
process by which LDL ('bad' fruits and juices, greens, Stuffed green peppers
cholesterol) builds up and hardens mangoes, melons,papaya, Blueberry-melon salad
along arterial walls strawberries Fresh fruit, yogurt,
RDA: 60 milligrams cauliflower salad, cheesy
potato-broccoli soup
orange crepes
Heart-Smart Function Food Sources Recipe
Vitamin E functions as an antioxidant Almonds, blackberries, canola cauliflower Nuggets
and blocks oxidation oil, fortified cereals, green stuffed green peppers
the chemical process by which LDL margarine*, mayonnaise* Beef and Broccoli stir fry
('bad' cholesterol) builds up and hardens salad dressings,* sun flower skillet rice and chicken
along arterial walls seeds, sweet potatoes, walnut Tangy turkey spaghetti
RDA: 10 milligrams whole grains Lentil soup
Vegetable beef soup
*Regular not fat-free Lemon-pepper spinach
Baked tomatoes with
Heart-Smart Function Food Sources Recipe
Folate also called folic acid, Asparagus, broccoli, cabbage Black eyed peas and rice
reduces levels of a blood dried beans and peas, lettuce, Mexican Salad
chemical called homocysteine oranges, orange juice, Spicy vegetarian tostadas
It plays a role in the narrowing of spinach. Hearty Barley
arteries and constriction of blood Pasta Primavera
flow. Raising your intake of folate Beef and Broccoli stir-fry
lowers your level of homocysteine Red Beans with beef
RDA: 400 micrograms Lemon-Pepper Spinach
Heart-Smart Function Food Sources Recipe
Calcium is essential for the clotting Dairy products, calcium- Macaroni and cheese
of blood and for muscle and nerve enriched orange juice, Florentine Lasagna
function, and it may be important calcium-enriched rice, cereal Chicken quiche
in controlling blood pressure. Grains, dried beans and peas, Turkey Chili Pie
RDA: 800 milligrams* greens, sardines,salmon
*The National Institutes of Health recommends 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams calcium per day for adults
Heart-Smart Function Food Sources Recipe
Your body needs magnesium to Green leafy vegetables, milk, catfish gumbo
process proteins and fats and nuts, seafood, whole grains Grouper Sandwiches
to help the body turn food into Zesty Baked Salmon
fuel. Greek-style snapper
RDA: 350 milligrams
Heart-Smart Function Food Sources Recipe
Potassium is important to a heart- Apricot,bananas, cantaloupe, Roasted Beef
healthy diet because of its relationship citrus fruits, citrus juices, Blueberry melon salad
to sodium. A high intake of potassium greens, plums, potatoes, Vegetarian Chili
can help offset sodium's tendency to spinach, tomatoes Vegetable-stuffed Yellow
raise blood pressure Squash,
Banana Ice Cream
RDA: 800 milligrams
Phytochemicals are natural plant chemicals that may protect you from heart disease. Some phytochemicals (like carotenoids) work as antioxidants; some influence hormone function. Phytochemicals are found in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, herbs, and spices, not supplements.
Are you at risk for a heart attack? Take this quiz to find out.
I never smoked or stopped smoking three or more years ago. 1
I don't smoke but live and/or work with smokers 2
I stopped smoking within the last three years 3
I smoke regularly 4
I smoke regularly and live and/or work with smokers 5
Use the number from your most recent blood cholesterol measurement.
Less than 160 1
160-199 2
Don't know 3
200-239 4
240 or higher 5
Use the number from your most recent HDL cholesterol measurement.
Over 60 1
50-60 2
Don't know 3
35-55 4
Less than 35 5
Use the first (top) number from your most recent blood pressure measurement.
Less than 120 1
120-139 2
Don't know 3
140-159 4
160 or higher 5
See the Body Mass Index (BMI) table
I have a BMI of less than 25 1
I have a BMI of 25-26 2
I have a BMI of 27-29 3
I have a BMI of 30-34 4
I have a BMI of greater than 35 5
Circle the number corresponding to the statement that most closely describes your activity level (see physical activity below)
Your physical activity is more like A 1
Between A & B 2
Your physical activity is more like B 3
Between B & C 4
Your physical activity is more like C 5
Add the numbers corresponding to your answers to determine your total score.
If your total score is: Your heart attack risk is:
6-13 Low
14-22 Moderate
23-30 High
Your score is simply an estimate of your possible risk. A high score doesn't mean you'll definitely have a heart attack; a low score doesn't mean you're safe from heart disease. Check your individual category scores to see which factors are increasing your risk the most.
A Highly Active B Moderately Active C Inactive
My job requires very hard physical My job requires that I walk, lift, My job requires that I sit at a desk
labor (such as digging or loading carry, or do other moderately most of the day.
Heavy objects) at least 4 hours a day. Hard work for several hours per AND Much of my leisure time is
OR I do vigorous activities (jogging, day (day care worker, stock is spent in sedentary activities
cycling , swimming) at least 3 times clerk, waitress, or waiter). (watching TV, reading).
Per week for 30 to 60 minutes or OR I spend much of my leisure AND I seldom work up a sweat
more. Time doing moderate activities and I cannot walk fast without
OR I do at least one hour of moderate (dancing, gardening, walking having to stop to catch my breath.
Activity such as brisk walking at least or housework).
4 days a week

Monday, June 16, 2008

Homefront - Father's Day, June 15th 2008

On Father's day morning, which falls on a sunday, my son handed 2 cards to his dad and wished him a 'Happy Father's day, daddy', and he ran back to watching his Barnyard animal show! Typical children who doesn't want to be interrupted when watching a 'good' show. Since it was pretty late morning, we decide to got to Red Lobster to celebrate Father's Day. The place as usual was extremely crowded but what we saw most were so many dads and their sons or daughters all were giving their dad that special treat. Some were in walkers and wheel chairs, while younger children like mine, their mom have to keep them in place so their dad can enjoy. See above picture showing Ramzi giving his daddy a big old hug!

A couple of days before Father's day, we mailed a special home-made card to my father in-law. He called yesterday evening and he thought it was hilarious to see a picture of his grand son dressed as a girl. His comments was, 'even as a girl, he looks so pretty'!! Here's a copy of that picture that we took and mailed to him. (See above pic.) My father in-law was not able to celebrate Father's day with us because he was at work.
If the relationship of father to son could really be reduced to biology, the whole earth would blaze with the glory of fathers and sons.
James Baldwin

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Birthday - Picture Growth Chart of my one and only!

It was January 6, 2003 at 4.30 am and I was having one on-going labor pain! I thought to myself, if labor back pain comes & goes or does it stay there for a long time?? Being a 1st time mom makes it difficult to wonder if this is it! Although most women report that labor is painful, most physicians have surprisingly little understanding of the nature of labor pain. Pain is a subjective experience involving a complex interaction of physiologic, psychosocial, cultural, and environmental influences. I've no way of knowing the measurement of how painful is labor pain when this nurse over the phone was asking me such question. To me, it's an on-going cramping maybe due to uterine contractions? Per my last 2 visit to the obn/gyn, I was told I will have a c-section because the baby is in breech position and they've scheduled it for January 11. The nurse that I've talked to over the phone contacted my Doctor and she told me that I need to come down to the emergency room soon and Dr. Rogers will be doing surgery on me around 9.30 am. I was scared and was fearing the unknown... the usual case for all those preggies out there. I forgot to concentrate and focus on my breathing techniques..hahaha. To make this long story short, it went smoothly for me except the part where I was throwing up a few times due to the epidural anesthesia involving injection of drugs through a catheter placed into the epidural space. Apart from that, it was almost a perfect process.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Homefront - Our weekly stop at Evansville Public Library

We have been in Evansville 'forever' but just a few months ago, with the insistent of our son, we've decided to visit 2 of the libraries in downtown Evansville. We initially registered with Willard Library which open its doors back in 1885 and it's over 110 years old! The library (see 2nd picture above), housed in a beautiful Victorian Gothic building designed by James and Merritt Reid, is nestled gloriously near the downtown area of this southwestern Indiana city of 130,000 people, providing a sharp contrast with the modern high-rises and six-lane freeways. Willard has been a true icon of the Evansville community for over 100 years and was inducted into the National Register of Historic Places in 1972. Sadly, we were only at this library a couple of times because my son didn't like the spookiness of the interior and of course being old, this library have a fascinating, and somewhat credible, old legend exists within the ancient walls of Willard Library. It's a living, breathing haunted house!! The first reported incident happened sixty years ago to a library employee who trekked through the snowy cold for his nightly duty. Since then, countless other employees and patrons have reported seeing this apparition, each giving an eerily similar description. Is the legend true?

Anyway, our regular weekend trip is the new main public library in downtown Evansville. The library supplies books, magazines, CDs & DVDs, internet access, computer classes, meeting rooms, and hundreds of events for youth, teens and adults. It is the community's living room where everyone is welcome to meet, discuss, and discover. It's also a place, connecting people to information, entertainment and technology.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Homefront - Kidz fun cut place

For many children, going to get a haircut is like going to visit a doctor or a dentist. A haircut should not be a scary experience, it should be fun where children can be distracted while having a hair cut. Countless time, we wanted to bring Ramzi to have his hair cut but we end up not having it done because he was scared. We went around and was amazed to find this Kidz fun club hair place and till today, it's the only hair cut place that he will go to. We met Mary Jo, the owner of that place and Ramzi was hooked ! Her salon is decorated with colorful wall-paper and Mary Jo's fun cut place is extremely kid-friendly, an enjoyable fun atmostphere for the kids and their parents, a place where kids will look forward to instead of dreading and also where parents can relax while waiting. She have all kinds of distracting games, themed Chairs-Video Games-Movies & Play Area. This salon strives to make children experience pleasurable, relaxing and fun, and of course high quality haircut goes without saying. While having his hair trimmed last saturday, Ramzi was so engrossed in his sponge-bob video game to realized that Mary Jo had completed her tasks!
Note. Above pictures are a similarity of such kidz hair salon.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Homefront - Outdoor fun at Burdette Park

It's almost summer and the weather was just perfect for any outdoor activities and it was also Saturday morning with a temperature of around 78 F. and by 3 pm per the weather ch. it's going to be around in the mid 80's. Since we are so far away from any of the beautiful beaches because of our unfortunate location, I told my husband to find out if Burdette park is operating and to find out their hours etc. After checking that out, I told my son that we might go to Burdette park and he was all excited and raring to go immediately. I told him to take a quick bath and we were all set to go.

Initially the park was not as busy but we did see CSX, were having a Company's picnic and we thought, as soon as they are done, the park is going to be packed with CSX employees and families. The park is about 140 acres and there are attractions after attractions for young kids and adults alike. Examples are, http://www.vanderburghgov.org/Index.aspx?page=147

As for us, we were mostly at the aquatic center. Burdette Park Aquatic Center offers something for everyone in the family. One of the largest Aquatic centers in the Midwest features a large Olympic pool with two diving boards. There is a vast family pool with two breathtaking slides, and a children's pool with mushrooms, frogs and snakes to slide and play on which will keep their interest while being closely guarded by a skilled team of guards and EMT's. There is even an exciting interactive Spray Park for kids, a lazy river raft ride and an awesome speed slide to delight the more adventurous. In reality, this is the closest and cheapest means of having fun but we do also have Splashing Safari Holiday World which is about 45 mins drive and pretty expensive. http://www.holidayworld.com/.

We were at Burdette park for 5+ hours and my son was reluctant to leave, but after a lot of persuasion and promise of an ice cream at Dairy Queen, he was ready to leave. Not a trace of his winter skin was seen after spending so many hours in the sun, and of course his dad looks more like a cooked lobster! It was fun and it was a wonderful way to have a wonderful day.