Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Disturbing graffiti in our neighborhood

It was about 4.50 pm and the right time for me to prepare dinner for us. I had the TV tuned on to channel 4 which is 14wfie, The Tri-State News and Weather Leader. I was watching the last bit of Oprah show on 'The Choking Game', about this family whose son died because of playing this game and also shows some kids probably around 10 or 15 who had played such game.

At 5.00 pm came Anne Komis and David James on the local headline news. What caught my attention was when Anne Komis blurt out, 'local find disturbing graffiti...', I quickly divert my attention directly to the TV on top of our fridge and saw a house which looks really familiar. I quickly went to the computer room to tell my husband about it, and in that process I had another TV turned on there. We waited for a bit for the whole story to come on. The reason why the house was familiar was because my son and I, we would usually take a walk in the early evening and we would pass by that house.

Right after dinner that same evening, my husband told me we should take a walk just to see if that's really the house. What we saw was the after-math of what had happened, because they had the graffiti's blocked off and their garage door was up, so we could not see much. While walking around the block we saw a stop sign painted with graffiti and when we came around by Southport Dr., we saw a police car parked by the roadside, and he was talking to one of the neighbors and while walking further down, a man walked out of his front door and came straight towards us to tell us that his back fence had been vandalised too, said they sprayed 'F**k you' on his back fence! While walking back to our street, we became observant and noticed that the first house on our street was also painted with a 'KKK' sign in red! In that particular house lives a friendly ex-cop and I usually talk to his wife when we are upfront doing our gardening. Not sure if they are aware of what is happening in our neighborhood. What is happening to the world? America is for love and a dream come true for some, not hatred! If those who doesn't know what 'KKK' stands for, it's Ku Klux Klan. On wikipedia, Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is the name of several past and present secret organizations in the United States generally in the southern states, that are best known for advocating white supremacy and acting as vigilantes while hidden behind conic masks and white robes. The first KKK arose in the turmoil after the Civil War. It utilized terrorism, violence, and lynching to intimidate and oppress African Americans, Jews, Roman Catholics, and other racial and religious minorities. It amazes me so much that it is happening now, when America is known as the superpower of the world meaning the country is so so advance compared to the rest of the world!!

Check this video on youtube.