Monday, December 8, 2008

Eid- Ul-Adha

Eid-Ul-Adha (a.k.a. the Feast of Sacrifice or Day of Sacrifice) is observed after the Hajj -- the annual pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca) in Saudi Arabia. In the US, it falls on December 8, 2008, on a Monday. After sending my son to school, I drove myself to the Masjid and was happy to see a large crowd of people already there.

“Hari Raya Haji or Eid-Ul-Adha literally means the ‘festival of pilgrimage’. This festival is celebrated by Muslims to honour pilgrims who have completed their Haj (pilgrimage) to Mecca. Hari Raya Haji falls on the 10th day of the month of Dzulhijjah, the last month of the Muslim Calendar. In Malaysia and Singapore it is celebrated on 8th December, Monday. The 10th of Dzulhijjah marks an important event in Islamic history dating back to beginning of mankind of Adam and Eve. Just outside the holy city of Mecca at Arafah, Adam and Eve were sent down to this world by Allah (God). After their expulsion from Heaven, Allah sent them to separate places. Adam was placed in India and Eve in Jeddah but eventually met on an open field and were reunited. Thus, the blissful reunion of the father and mother of mankind symbolises the reunion of the whole of mankind.

Also known as Hari Raya Korban, which means the festival of sacrifice. Traditionally, the sacrifice of a cow or goat as food offerings to the poor is done. Though not a compulsory religious duty, it is considered an obligation for those who can afford it.”

Here are some pictures taken at the Masjid today.

Myself & Nafeez in the midst of khutbah, her daughter took this picture.

Couldn't help taking picture of this cute little girl in her full gear
Shown here from left, Wanda, (not sure who the lady in red is but I know her), Nafeez and Angie
From left, Mona fr Egypt, Nafeez, Angie & myself
Breakfast time in the basement of the masjid
Scene in the basement during breakfast time at the masjid.

At last this 2 little cutie pies decide to pose for us after a lot of persuasion!